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How To Organize Your Cleaning Supply Closet

We all know the importance of any organized cleaning supply closet. How great is it when you can locate an item at a moment’s notice or tell someone exactly where what they are looking for is? Yep, we can relate. To get there you just need to think through- how you use the items in the closet, edit the closet and think of what you want to store the items in for easy access. The closet where one keeps their cleaning supplies is one of the most neglected closets. Keeping this closet organized can make your cleaning tasks and cleaning day easier and more manageable. Another huge bonus is by keeping your cleaning supplies grouped together in baskets, you avoid products spilling. The other day, Bev picked up a spray bottle of bathroom foam and the top came right off. Thankfully, it was in the plastic bin and only spilled out there.

Today we are sharing creative and practical tips for organizing your cleaning supply closets. All of these ideas can also be applied to storage under kitchen sinks, linen closets, laundry rooms or utility closets. Because at this time of the year, putting things away in an organized manner is top of mind. Remember to show every family member in the house the new closet organization system to reduce endless questions regarding where everything is!!!

How To Organize Your Cleaning Supply Closet

Designate A Spot

Do you store your cleaning supplies in an under-the-sink cabinet, a linen closet, a laundry room or a dedicated closet? Going room to room to select a central location for storage is preferred. Also, if you have two levels of living space, keeping products on both levels will save you time. Measure the designated space and shelf height and depth to have on hand when selecting the storage bins you will need for you cleaning products and other items.

Declutter What You Already Have

Now is the time to get rid of the cleaning products and the miscellaneous tools you have accumulated throughout the years. Cleaning supplies do lose their effectiveness over time. You can streamline what you use and throw away what you don’t. Remember to dispose of hazardous products according to your community’s rules.

Store Like Items Together

Store like items together to manage cleaning tasks and save time. When you group the items together, it’s also easier to see when you are running low in anything. Back to Costco- right?! Store the bleach based, bath foams together. Counter surface sprays, window sprays and furniture sprays go together. Lightbulbs, batteries, tools, large bottles of cleaning products- these are good grouped together. Remember to place the lighter products on the top shelf – heavier on the lower.

Choose The Storage Containers You Need

Go to your favorite store or stores, take your measurements of the space and start planning. Clear plastic allows you to see everything, while a color can hide the chaos. To store brooms and mops, consider hooks designed for this. Wall space is valuable real estate for storage space. Lazy susan’s are often used in lower cabinets to maximize space and make items easier to find. Small free standing shelves can be a solution for adding more shelving space. If you are short on space a nice divided tote is great for under a bathroom sink to hold cleaning products, brush, sponge and gloves.

Click here for our post Organize Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning Supply Organizers

Organizing Bins

Bins are the most popular of organizers. You have a choice of clear plastic, colored plastic, woven plastic or natural fibers. Bev preferred the colored plastic Y Weave Decorative Storage Basket by Brightroom found at Target. They definitely hide all of the products while providing easy access with the handles and open top. The plastic option is also easy to clean in case of spills. And they are lightweight! Click on any photo below for more information.


Hooks are the best way to store items like brooms, mops, feather dusters and dust pans. They can be affixed to the back of a door or a side wall of a closet. Utilizing vertical space is a game changer if you are short on storage space. You can also use hooks on the inside of cabinet doors to store smaller items- rubber gloves, brushes, etc. Since we are talking about mops here, we just have to mention this amazing one- O-Cedar EasyWring Spin Mop and Bucket System. It’s so good and with the removable mop head that you toss in the wash, it’s so easy too! Let us know if you agree in the comments below.

Click on any photo below for more information.

Under Sink Organizers

Under sink organizers are a great solution if you are short on storage. These can be an actual shelf system like this Wire Pull-Out Cabinet Organizer at The Container Store or this Large Divided Tote also at The Container Store. Lazy Susans are also great for under the sink- easy accessibility and viewing without knocking everything down.

Decorative Baskets

If you are really short on space, a really decorative basket of natural fibers could be your friend. This Woven Banana Bark Line at Target would be a nice choice. You can also use beautiful baskets for storage in any room where you are short on space. Pottery Barn Kids and The Container Store also have beautiful and fun options. Nurseries, toddler bedrooms, play areas are just a few examples. We have linked some that you might like. Click on any photo below.

Feel free to use these tips and ideas for any area of your house needs organizing. Go room to room and map out your plan. Comment below if you found this information helpful.

Thank you so much for taking time to read this post. Have a wonderful day!

Bev and Val

Here are some before and after photos of a current project

Cleaning supply closet
Cleaning supply closet with target Y weave decorative baskets
Cleaning supply closet
Cleaning supply closet with target Y weave decorative baskets

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  1. Hi Val, I’ve found that bin tags work best for knowing what’s in each container, especially on those top shelves.
    You can choose from a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes on Amazon in packs.